Women’s Health Issues:

Irregular / Painful Menses

The average woman has a period that starts within 28 days of the last one ending, lasts between three and five days, and falls around the same dates each month. An irregular menstrual cycle is one that comes at different times of the month and is inconsistent with its duration. This can also include periods that last for a week or longer and those that come once every other month or less often. Any changes in your menstrual flow is common.


One type of irregular cycle is Oligomenorrhea. This occurs when your period comes less often. You might have a regular period one month, skip a few months and then have your period again, or you may notice that your period comes every couple of months.

Another condition is Amenorrhea, which is when you no longer get your period. You may suffer from this condition because you recently started going through menopause, you are pregnant, or you are breastfeeding your child. Even if none of these describe your situation, you may still suffer from Amenorrhea. As a medical term, this refers to a situation where a woman does not get her period for at least 90 days. You may exhibit some other symptoms that include a discharge from your nipples that looks like milk, changes in your vision, loss of hair, increased facial hair, or frequent headaches.

Dysmenorrhea is when your period causes you actual physical pain. While many women suffer from cramps, these cramps are very painful. You may experience cramps in your lower stomach that feel dull or cramps that throb. Some women experience pain in the abdomen that shoots through their thighs, lower bodies, and backs. Other symptoms that you may experience include changes in your bowel movements, excessive sweating, dizziness, nausea, or vomiting.

Some women experience spotting and cramping right after having sexual intercourse. Others experience spots of blood after their period ends or have cycles that last more than seven days in a row, and have a flow that is heavier than normal.


Irregular menstrual cycles can change the way you live your life. The headaches and cramps that you experience can hurt so bad that you cannot get out of bed to take care of your kids or go to work. These symptoms can relate to reproductive and uterine health problems, and cause a great deal of stress.

Integrative health care includes both traditional forms of conventional Western Medicine which focus on getting your menstrual cycles on track and stopping cramps before the pain start. Treatment may include changing your diet to be more nutrient-dense whole food based, incorporating new forms of exercise, meditation, and limiting stress. The goal is to help you heal from the inside out.



If you are suffering from irregular and/or painful menses, contact the nation’s top leading expert on women’s health issues: Dr. Payal Bhandari M.D.. She combines the best in Eastern and Western Medicine to understand the root causes of diseases and provides holistic treatment plans that quickly deliver effective results. The goal is to help you heal from the inside out and decrease the havoc reproductive issues can have on your overall well-being.