Posts tagged hashimoto's thyroiditis
Case Study: Reversing Adrenal Exhaustion

Jill came to see Dr. Bhandari for Hashimoto's thyroiditis. It became determined that she also had adrenal fatigue. Learn how a multi-faceted treatment plan linked to addressing the root cause dramatically helped lessen Jill’s symptoms.

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How Does Leaky Gut Lead to Autoimmune Disease?

Though the gut is one of the most important parts of the human body, it's something that people typically do not think about until they begin exhibiting symptoms. A common condition called leaky gut can occur because of the foods that people eat. Leaky gut can lead to autoimmune diseases.

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What is Autoimmune Disease?

Our immune system is made up of trillions of cells, tissues, and organs whose job it is to protect us from foreign invaders. 85 to 90% of the immune system is inside the digestive tract and controlled by the microbiome. When the gut is not working optimally due to factors, such as hidden food allergies and antibodies, toxins and other pathogens start leaking out into the bloodstream and poisoning the body. This is what sets a person up for an autoimmune disease.

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Understanding Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

The #1 cause of thyroid dysfunction is an autoimmune disorder called Hashimoto’s. Plenty of people who are living with it are unaware they have it. Learn more about its symptoms and what you can do to treat it naturally.

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