Posts tagged infections
COVID-19 Impacts on Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition: Sounding the Alarm

Impacts of COVID-19 on the food sector are among its most visible and important economic consequences of the pandemic. Our rapid shift to meals at home, as opposed to meals at school, workplaces/institutions, and restaurants, brought a dramatic change in what we eat where people are purchasing more packaged foods. It is critical that everyone has access to healthy, nutritious, non-packaged fresh foods to support immune health and fight COVID-19.

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Drugs Used to Treat COVID-19

Conventional medicine has proven time and again that it has little to offer for the effective treatment of coronavirus (COVID-19). Many of the drugs prescribed are associated with dangerous side effects that compromise the body in the long run. Learn about some natural remedies which are effective at treating viral infections and keeping you safe.

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The Effects of Alcohol: How Much Is Too Much?

We live in a culture where alcohol consumption is part of our everyday life. Some of us know when to stop, but unfortunately, for many of us a hangover is a very familiar feeling. Not only can alcohol ensure a splitting headache the day after, but it also affects our motor skills and impairs our decision-making abilities.

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