Posts tagged chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Are you always tired but can't "find" anything that will make you feel truly rested? Chronic fatigue is unmistakably physical and debilitating. It can severely impair your day-to-day activities, responsibilities, and new year's resolutions.
Treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with integrative medicine is essential to get to the root cause and manage symptoms for a happier, more functional life. 

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Case Study: Reversing Adrenal Exhaustion

Jill came to see Dr. Bhandari for Hashimoto's thyroiditis. It became determined that she also had adrenal fatigue. Learn how a multi-faceted treatment plan linked to addressing the root cause dramatically helped lessen Jill’s symptoms.

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What is Autoimmune Disease?

Our immune system is made up of trillions of cells, tissues, and organs whose job it is to protect us from foreign invaders. 85 to 90% of the immune system is inside the digestive tract and controlled by the microbiome. When the gut is not working optimally due to factors, such as hidden food allergies and antibodies, toxins and other pathogens start leaking out into the bloodstream and poisoning the body. This is what sets a person up for an autoimmune disease.

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Healthy Basics 101: Acute Inflammation vs Chronic Inflammation

We all experience different kinds of inflammation for various reasons at any given time. However, the signs can be easy to miss if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Understand why inflammation happens and how it can affect your daily and long-term health.

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