Posts tagged protein
Understanding the Difference Between Food Sensitivity and Food Allergy

There’s a very clear difference between food that will kill us and others which will make us feel uncomfortable. Learn the difference between food sensitivity versus an allergy.

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Alkaline Diet: Food for the Brain

An alkaline diet helps decrease creating acidic waste products, and has nothing to do with the relative alkalinity of the foods. Dairy products, for example, are alkaline in nature but inside a human create an acidic reaction. When we shift to an more alkaline diet, it is associated with a wide variety of mental and physical benefits.

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Signs You May Have a Gluten Intolerance

Individuals in Western societies over-consume grains, responsible for causing a large number of health crises. Part of the problem is to skipping more nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich, fresh produce, or packing on a dangerous amount of excess weight. For many, the mere consumption of certain grains leads to a vast array of confusing and alarming symptoms, making it not only difficult to find the right dietary choices in a world where most processed food contains some grains but also lead to severe difficulties when it comes to maintaining a normal life, holding down a job, or engaging in free time activities. The culprit is the grains are often refined and genetically modified making its proteins extremely difficult to digest at such high consumption rates.  Their seeds are also heavily sprayed with pesticides causing them to be even more toxic.

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Beyond A Gluten-Free Diet: Integrative Treatment for Celiac Disease

Most health-conscious people would rightfully assume that they are doing their very best by following national dietary suggestions. They are surprised when instead of feeling fantastic, their sense of well-being doesn't improve, or they experience rapidly worsening symptoms. The fact is what government health professionals are advising is actually causing people to become sicker than ever before. Wheat and other gluten-dense grains are causing inflammatory bowel diseases, such as celiac. Learn how integrative health can help you take back control over your health.

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Healthy Guide To Living With Diabetes

1 out every 3rd American will have diabetes in their lifetime. There are many things you can do to prevent and treat diabetes and avoid many of the major complications associated with this deadly disease.

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